I went out to drop off a box for a lady who lives just a mile and a whole reality away.
She lives in a plywood shack that she built herself forty years ago. There is no running water, no bathroom, no power. She catches rainwater and and uses a battery to run the TV.
She had three tied up dogs, two loose adult dogs, and three half starved puppies on her property. All of them were dirty.
She's pretty skinny and dirty herself.
On the way to AAP there is a McMansion with a small fenced area in the backyard. There two lonely dogs sleep their lives away, cold and wet most of the time, lonely always, while their family is safe and warm and comfortable inside their house. That family that got those dogs as pups and lost interest in them long ago. Fuck those kind of people!
This old lady doesn't live much better than her dogs do and she spends time outside giving them pats on the head. And the dogs all flock around her. They clearly love her as much as she loves them.
And, unlike the McMansion assholes, the lady recognizes tht she needs help to give her dogs the lives they deserve.
I asked if she needed help getting homes for the pups and she said yes. I listened as she proudly showed me her property, her garden, her house. I tried not to be appalled by the filthy water the dogs had to drink or the inadequate jerryrigged dog houses. In the end she offered me two of the adult dogs and will let me get the remaining female spayed. I am going to approach her about getting dog houses for the dogs she is keeping as the winter is expected to be rough this year.
I drove away with two of the puppies and a few days later I got the third puppy and a pregnant mom. She cried while I drove away.
She did the right thing for her dogs because she loves them, unlike those well off people who think they have done enough by putting up a fence and buying dog food regularly.
I am honored that she entrusting her dogs to me.
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